3 Home Remedies For Dry, Cracked Feet
Nothing is more frustrating than putting on your favorite pair of sandals and realizing that your dry, cracked feet are on display for everyone to see. Aside from the frustration, the cracking and the lack of moisture can also be really painful. Left unchecked, both can lead to additional problems with your feet. Try some home remedies first to see if you can get your feet back in great shape.
Use Mineral Oil
Your feet don't have any oil-producing glands like the skin on most of the rest of your body does. For that reason, soaking your feet in an oily mixture allows the oil to soak into the skin and relieve cracking. Mineral oil is particularly helpful, especially when you use it in a warm water soak. Add equal parts mineral oil and warm water to a basin and soak your feet for at least 15 minutes. Rub the oil into your feet and put socks on to keep as much oil in contact with your feet as possible. The warm water helps, but be careful with the amount of heat. Hot water actually dries your skin and can make the problem worse.
Exfoliate Your Feet
Often when your feet are dry and cracked, you have to remove the dead, flaky skin before you can see much progress. Salt or sugar make equally effective foot scrubs. Use 1/2 cup of sugar or salt and add just enough olive or mineral oil to make the mixture into a paste. Soak your feet in warm water first to loosen up the skin on your feet and then massage a generous amount of the foot scrub to each foot. Massage the scrub into the skin well and then rinse them. Pat your feet dry and then apply a good moisturizer to lock in the results.
Moisturize Your Feet
Any time that you have a problem with dry, flaky skin, you have to get moisture into the area. For your feet, you need an especially potent moisturizer since this is a tough area. You can try expensive moisturizers, but the simplest methods are often the most effective. Add a small amount of petroleum jelly to your feet and rub it in gently. Do not worry about massaging the petroleum jelly in completely. Instead, put on a pair of socks and let the moisturizer work overnight.
If you're not having any luck repairing your dry, cracked feet on your own, it's time to contact podiatrists, such as Pinker & Associates. They can recommend the best course of action for you and before you know it your feet will be ready for their close-up.