6 Ways To Address Sleepwalking
For many individuals who receive home health care, sleepwalking may become a serious (and dangerous) issue. For individuals prone to sleepwalking, taking steps to stop it may be crucial. Some people sleepwalk because they experience sleep disorders whereas others find that sleepwalking has a genetic component.
No matter the cause of sleepwalking, you likely want to get to the bottom of it. This guide will give some tips on how you can do that.
1. Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule
Individuals who maintain a regular schedule for sleep are much more likely to avoid sleepwalking than others. Sleepwalking may result from mixed states of consciousness. Those who keep a regular schedule will see a change in behaviors thanks to the body's natural circadian rhythm. Travel and similar factors can impact the body's ability to stick to a routine. Finding a regular home healthcare schedule is one way to help.
2. Avoid Sleep Deprivation
Studies show that individuals who are sleep deprived are more likely to sleepwalk. Individuals who stay up later may want to take a long look at their schedule and see if there is a way to get to bed earlier.
3. Keep Stress to a Minimum
Stress is a significant factor that can lead to somnambulism, more commonly known as sleepwalking. Stress can alter the way your body is able to take part in the non-REM part of sleeping. Your body is more impacted by stress than you may initially believe it to be.
4. Avoid Alcoholic Beverages
Drinking alcohol at night could be the reason why you or somebody you love is engaging in unhealthy sleep activities. Drinking does encourage people to fall asleep more quickly, but it can also impact the quality of sleep.
5. Talk to Your Doctor about Medications
Many people who receive home medical care may also be taking medications prescribed by a doctor or supplements. Your doctor can provide you with more information about countering the potential side effects associated with these medications.
6. Discuss Treatment for Sleep Apnea
Your home medical care professional may have already discussed sleep apnea with you, but continuing to sleep walk may be a sign that you need to find a treatment for it.
If you or somebody you love continues to sleepwalk, help is available. Discuss your sleep patterns with your home healthcare professional or visit a nearby urgent care clinic to learn more about steps you can take to sleep more soundly and safely.