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What To Expect From Your Orthopedic Hand Surgery Procedures

Orthopedic hand surgery procedures can be life-changing for individuals with hand-related conditions or injuries. Whether it addresses carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger issues, or De Quervain's tenosynovitis, these surgeries aim to improve hand function and alleviate pain.

What Types Of Hand Surgeries Are Common?

Surgery to alleviate carpal tunnel pain is a popular treatment option. During this surgery, the surgeon cuts the ligament to reduce pressure on the nerve. This procedure can be done as an open surgery or using endoscopic techniques.

Trigger finger release surgery aims to correct a condition where a finger gets stuck in a bent position. During this procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision in the palm or finger and releases the constricted tendon sheath, causing the finger to lock.

Can Hand Surgery Be Done Using Minimally Invasive Techniques?

Minimally invasive hand surgery offers several advantages over traditional open procedures. These include smaller incisions, reduced scarring, less tissue disruption, and minimal blood loss during the operation. Not surprisingly, these treatment options also tend to have much shorter patient recovery times.

Many hand surgeries can be performed using minimally invasive techniques. Your surgeon will determine if you are a suitable candidate for these minimally invasive approaches based on your specific condition. Treating these hand issues before they have a chance to worsen can help improve your chances of being able to opt for minimally invasive options for your hand.  

What Is the Recovery Process Like After Hand Surgery?

After hand surgery, you will receive detailed post-operative care instructions from your surgeon or healthcare team. These may include keeping the surgical site clean and dry, managing dressings or bandages, and attending follow-up appointments for wound checks. Wound checks and assessments are crucial to your recovery, allowing the surgeon to monitor the healing progress.

Depending on the type of hand surgery performed and individual needs, your surgeon may recommend physical therapy to help your recovery process. These therapies aim to restore strength, flexibility, and function in your hand through targeted exercises and techniques. Fortunately, most hand surgery patients may only need physical therapy for a short period of time. As a result, a patient may only need to attend these sessions for a few weeks.

After having hand surgery, pain management is essential. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medications or recommend over-the-counter options to help alleviate discomfort. Additionally, applying ice packs or using compression garments can assist in reducing swelling during the healing phase. Elevating your hand can also help to reduce swelling by limiting the ability of fluids to pool in the hand.

For more information on orthopedic hand surgery procedures, contact a professional near you.
