Top Signs That It Is Time For You To Visit An Orthopedic Surgeon
Instead of continuing living in the same pain every day of your life, you might want to think about talking with an orthopedic surgeon. To help you determine whether this is truly the next step that you need to take, you will want to review the following points.
The Pain Is Ruining Your Ability To Function Normally
If you find that you are starting to have a lot of trouble going to work, walking through the grocery store, or simply driving your vehicle, then it is probably time to talk to a skilled orthopedic surgeon. Otherwise, your pain and discomfort may only continue to get worse and it can get to the point where simply going to the bathroom or preparing a meal by yourself is not easily accomplished.
The Pain Medications Are No Longer Working As Well
One of the first things your doctor might do is prescribe some pain medications for you. This is to help alleviate some of the pain while you work through your orthopedic issues. However, over time, you might find that your body is not getting the same amount of relief from the medication as it used to. You could always ask your doctor to increase the strength of your prescription. However, you will probably run into the same situation again and there is only such much prescription pain medication a doctor can legally give you. Therefore, if you are starting to find that your body is becoming accustomed to the medication and it is no longer effective for your pain management, it is time to seek out another option.
Non-Surgical Treatments Are Not Giving Any Help
You might have been asked to go through physical therapy or to try various exercises at home in order to improve your condition. You could have also been prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs or even steroids in order to get your body back in better shape. However, if none of the non-surgical treatments are working, then you are going to want to think about talking with a surgeon about your next best step.
With just those three signs in mind, you should be able to determine whether it is time to consult with an orthopedic surgeon in your area. All you will need to do now is to make sure that you are receiving a referral to one that the doctors you have been working with trust. For more information, visit