The Heart Of The Matter: How Your Mouth And Cardiovascular Health Are Connected
You know from years living on this Earth that it's really important to take care of your body and keep it safe from all the things that could hurt it – especially when it comes to your heart, which helps keep you alive. But did you know that you heart is inextricably connected to another area in your body that you should be just as careful with? If you're wondering what the connection is between the health of your heart and the health of your gums and teeth, then here's what you need to know.
3 Reasons To Consider Having Brain Surgery At A University Hospital
If you are facing brain surgery, you probably want to ensure that you have it done at the best hospital possible. One option is to have your surgery done at a university hospital rather than a community hospital. These are a few reasons why this can be the best option.
1. Have a Larger Medical Team
When it comes to something as serious as brain surgery, having as many well-trained and well-educated people around as possible to help with your care can make a big difference.
What To Do If You're With Someone When They Hit Their Head
Head injuries can be very serious, so if you're with someone who hits their head, it's important that you know what to do and how to help that person. Follow these steps to ensure your friend gets the care that they need.
1. Don't move your friend.
Unless your friend is in a really dangerous place like in the road in front of oncoming traffic, do not move them. Let them sit on the ground right where they are.
3 Ways To Treat Your Drug Addiction
If you have come to a point where you are ready to let go of your addiction to drugs, you are going to need some help doing it. To give yourself the best chance of success, you will want to take a moment to review the following bits of advice.
Check Yourself Into A Dual Diagnosis Rehab Center
Going to a rehab center to successfully go through detox and learn new coping skills is extremely important.
3 Tips To Make Drawing Blood From Kids Easier
Having blood drawn isn't something that many adults look forward to, but the process of drawing blood can be downright frightening for a child. If you work in a lab that deals with pediatric patients on a regular basis, you want to keep this demand in mind as you purchase phlebotomy carts in the future.
The right phlebotomy cart can serve as a valuable tool in helping you reduce the stress associated with drawing blood from kids.
3 Tips To Help Relieve Your Back Pain
Have you been experiencing chronic back pain? That nagging feeling can keep you distracted at work and keep you up at night. If the pain has continued for some time, it might be time to head to your local pain management doctors or back specialists. That said, you're still going to need some advice on treating the pain in the meantime. Whether the pain you are experiencing is chronic or just appeared recently, here are 3 different things you can do that may help give you some relief.
Top Signs That It Is Time For You To Visit An Orthopedic Surgeon
Instead of continuing living in the same pain every day of your life, you might want to think about talking with an orthopedic surgeon. To help you determine whether this is truly the next step that you need to take, you will want to review the following points.
The Pain Is Ruining Your Ability To Function Normally
If you find that you are starting to have a lot of trouble going to work, walking through the grocery store, or simply driving your vehicle, then it is probably time to talk to a skilled orthopedic surgeon.
Get The Maximum Benefit From Your Inhaler With These 3 Tips
Inhaled medications are a very effective way to treat asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems. However, your inhaler is only as effective as the way that you use it. Used incorrectly, the medicine ends up clinging to the back of your mouth and throat, and not in your lungs where it belongs. Take a look at some simple tips that will help you get the biggest benefit from using your inhaler.
Being A School Psychologist
Perhaps one of the most rewarding jobs in the psychology field is that of a school psychologist. If you want psychology to be your profession, you should consider working in the educational system to help struggling students. You can use your talents to benefit young people while enriching your own life.
The demand for school psychologists has grown in recent years due to a large population of school children who have special needs.
2 Ways To Make Immunizations Easier Without Medication
When it's time to take your kids for their vaccines, you may be tempted to reach for the children's acetaminophen to prevent pain or fever from the immunization. But studies show that acetaminophen can actually reduce the effectiveness of the vaccines. Babies given the painkiller were shown to have fewer antibodies after being vaccinated than babies who were not given the vaccine, leading researchers to recommend only giving medication if a fever develops, and not as a preventative measure.