If you're nearing middle-age, now's the time to start thinking about dementia, and how to prevent yourself from developing the debilitating disease. According to statistics, about 47 million people worldwide, suffer from dementia, with over 9 million new cases diagnosed each year. Dementia destroys your cognitive ability, robbing you of your ability to process language,thoughts, and even your memories. Luckily, just because you're aging, doesn't mean you're destined to suffer from dementia.
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4 Allergy Treatment Supplements You Need In Your Arsenal
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America speculates that 50 million people in the United States suffer from some type of allergies. With such a big number, there's a good chance that someone in your household is part of this statistic. If so, there's no need to fret. There are some all-natural supplements you can stock your medicine cabinet with to use as a treatment for those pesky allergy symptoms.
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How A Family Can Cope With Their Father Having Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a disease that affects men. It starts in the prostate, which is a gland in the male reproductive system. The cancer causes your prostate to get bigger, which results in crowding out your normal cells. It also causes your body to not function properly. This condition usually occurs in men 65 years or older.
It can be challenging to care for someone with prostate cancer. Read on to find out how to cope with your father having this disease.
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How Can I Prepare My Allergic Child For A Bee Sting?
If a child is allergic to a bee sting, then them being prepared could be the difference of a close call and a tragedy. A child can develop an allergy to bees at anytime. The more they are stung, the more likely they will be allergic. When your child is near you, it most likely is not going to be a problem. However, your child is not going to have you around when they are at recess at school or playing at the neighbors' house.
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