It can be scary hearing from your doctor that you have prostate cancer. If caught early, though, current treatment options can remove all of the cancerous cells to effect a cure. Here are the common treatment approaches your doctor will discuss with you.
Active Surveillance
This is the "wait and see" approach when the prostate cancer is in its very early phases. Prostate tumors grow slowly and rarely cause a problem until they become large enough to affect the prostate gland and urinary tract.
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Diabetic Foot Care Tips
For diabetics, regulating insulin levels isn't the only health concern. People diagnosed with disease are also at risk for foot complications brought on by the disease. If you or a loved one suffers from diabetes, make sure you understand proper foot protection.
Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that often effects individuals who have dealt with uncontrolled diabetes for some time. When the body's insulin levels are rampant, this can lead to nerve damage.
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Three Tips For Cleaning A Dentist's Take-Home Bleaching Tray Without Damaging It
If frequent doses of coffee, tea, sugary foods, or cigarette smoke have stained your teeth yellow beyond the power of over-the-counter whiteners to repair, your dentist may allow you to use a specialized take-home bleaching tray with the plastic molded to fit precisely in your mouth. Since it'll take several weeks of wearing the tray with gel for one or two hour intervals to complete the whitening process, you'll need to clean the plastic many times.
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Natural Ways To Reduce Foot Pain
Foot pain is not something you can ignore. Indeed, with an average of 200,000 nerves just in the sole of each foot, you definitely know when your toes are throbbing. Fortunately, you can tackle the two most common causes.
Problem #1: Center of Gravity
The location of your center of gravity is very important. Good posture places your center of gravity over the muscles designed to absorb the stress of walking or jogging.
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