Three Tips For Cleaning A Dentist's Take-Home Bleaching Tray Without Damaging It

If frequent doses of coffee, tea, sugary foods, or cigarette smoke have stained your teeth yellow beyond the power of over-the-counter whiteners to repair, your dentist may allow you to use a specialized take-home bleaching tray with the plastic molded to fit precisely in your mouth. Since it'll take several weeks of wearing the tray with gel for one or two hour intervals to complete the whitening process, you'll need to clean the plastic many times. [Read More]

Natural Ways To Reduce Foot Pain

Foot pain is not something you can ignore. Indeed, with an average of 200,000 nerves just in the sole of each foot, you definitely know when your toes are throbbing. Fortunately, you can tackle the two most common causes. Problem #1: Center of Gravity The location of your center of gravity is very important. Good posture places your center of gravity over the muscles designed to absorb the stress of walking or jogging. [Read More]

Make Sure Your Child Can See Clearly

It can be hard enough keeping your young child's clothes clean and in one piece, let alone trying to make sure that they keep their glasses on, clean, and in one piece. However, if your child needs glasses, then you need to figure out a way to get your child to keep their glasses on, not lose them, and keep them reasonably clean. You also need to have a plan for when the glasses get broken or lost. [Read More]

Exercises To Consider In Order To Combat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are uncomfortable wherever they are located and can require surgical treatment in order to get rid of them. If you are waiting for your laser vein surgery and want to relieve the pain or at least distract yourself, you are going to want to make sure that you stay on top of your health and continue to exercise. The other benefit of exercise is that it gets your blood pumping and increases your circulation, addressing one of the main factors that contributed to you developing varicose veins in the first place. [Read More]