Hot melt extrusion, or HME, has been used for almost a century to melt down polymers and plastics and create new products. Although it excels at producing pipes and most cylindrically-shaped industrial objects, it also has applications in the pharmaceutical industry. If you are wondering how HME could be applied to the creation of medicines and pharmaceutical supplies, here is how it is currently used.
It may seem odd that such large machines could produce really tiny products, but the extruding end of these machines can be outfitted with just about any size extruding arm.
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3 Benefits Of Using Your Doctor's Patient Portal
A patient portal is a great way to stay informed about your past and current medical treatments, scheduled surgeries, referrals, and prescriptions. The portal also makes it easy to reschedule your appointments or change personal information ahead of time, which benefits you when you need to move or travel. Patient portals are private and secure, which means that you can take your time to read about your health without the prying eyes of others.
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What You Need To Know About Your Child's Tonsils
Tonsillectomy used to be a popular treatment just a couple of decades ago. It was nothing for a throat infection or a breathing problem to be solved with the removal of tonsils and adenoids. Now, these treatments are considered more extreme for solving these health problems and aren't recommended as much. As a parent, you need to know if it is appropriate to have your child's adenoids or tonsils removed and what to expect.
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Acupuncture Exercises You Can Do At Home To Relive Tinnitus
If you suffer from tinnitus, acupuncture is one way to relieve the constant sound in your ears. If you don't have time to fit an acupuncture visit into your schedule, try out these three at home acupuncture exercises listed below. These at home exercises may relieve your tinnitus until you can make it in for an appointment with your acupuncturist.
1. Massage Around Your Ears
To experience relief from your tinnitus, you don't even have to massage your ears directly.
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