Whether you are a gym fanatic or an occasional runner, you need to make sure that you are doing everything in your power to properly recover post-workout. No one wants to feel sore and experience fatigue, and these are two symptoms that are the most common following major workouts. Luckily, you can help your body feel better at a much faster pace by following these four steps:
1. Eat Protein Right Before Going to Sleep.
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3 Uses For Botox
Botox is a great medical procedure that has helped many people. Botox has a variety of uses that are not commonly known to the general public. Here are some of the things that Botox is used for.
1. Cosmetic Wrinkle Reduction
One of the most widely known uses of Botox is cosmetic Botox. This is where a professional who is licensed to administer the toxin injects small amounts of Botox into the face and places in the skin to help tighten up the area.
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4 Tips For Avoiding Kidney Stones
Kidney stones might not be life threatening, but they can cause the most excruciating pain. When you feel that sharp pain in your lower back, it can be difficult to even get out of bed. Luckily, if you make a few lifestyle changes, you can reduce your chances of developing kidney stones. Here are four tips that can help.
Drink More Water
One of the easiest ways to reduce your risk of developing kidney stones is to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
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3 Important Questions To Ask Before A Breast Enhancement After A Lumpectomy
If you have recently had a lumpectomy due to a suspicious growth in one or both breasts, that important procedure may have left you with distorted or uneven breasts. Fortunately, you have the option of breast enhancement surgery to give you back your healthy and attractive bosom.
When Can You Safely Undergo A Breast Enhancement?
Obviously, most women want their breast enhancement as soon as possible after the lumpectomy. However, most plastic surgeons recommend that you wait at least six months after the tissue removal to undergo any cosmetic procedures.
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